A short tutorial that demonstrates how to configure your alt-seven application.
alt-seven configuration options tutorial
You configure your alt-seven application by passing an options structure to the a7.init method. There are a host of options that you can tailor to your needs. Below is an example call to a7.init() with all possible options specified. The default value for a given option is bracketed like so [templateLiterals],
var remoteModules = {}; // format specified in Remote section
var options = {
model: ["altseven"], // defaults to the internal model. Detail in the Model tutorial
auth: {
sessionTimeout: 15 * 60 * 1000 // 15 minutes. The built-in remote function calls the refresh URL at this interval
console: {
enabled: true,
wsServer: "ws://"|"", // server-side websocket logger, specified in Console tutorial
container: ["gadgetui.display.FloatingPane"|""],//if enabled = false, defaults to ""
top: [100],
left: [500],
width: [500],
height: [300]
logging: {
logLevel: ["ERROR,FATAL,INFO"], // all option: "DEBUG,INFO,WARN,FATAL,TRACE"
toBrowserConsole: true|[false] // passes the log message to the console
remote: {
loginURL: "/login", // default: "", remote method should return a json object { success: true|false, user: Object }.
logoutURL: "/logout", // default: "", remote method should return a json object { success: true|false }
refreshURL: "/refresh", // default: "", remote method should return a json object { success: true|false }
useTokens: [true]|false // useTokens looks for token, format specified in the authentication section
modules: {} // format specified in Remote section
router: {
useEvents: [true]|false, // option calls events when a route is matched. Specified in the Routing tutorial
routes: [
['/auth/showlogin', 'auth.showLogin'] // routes is an array of paths to match. More details in the Routing tutorial
ui: {
renderer: "Handlebars|Mustache|[templateLiterals]", // templating engine. templateLiterals is the internal engine
debounceTime: 20, // time in ms before a render request of an object can be queued
timeout: 3600000 // 1 hour , time before a cached view expires
See the app.js file in the LacesIDE project for a complete way to implement the a7.init(options) method in the context of an application.
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Last modified February 2, 2024: additions to docs - WIP (15a6699)