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Low level reference docs for your project.

API Reference and Other Configuration

1 - API Reference

The API reference details the methods available in the alt-seven framework.

The API reference details the methods available in the alt-seven framework.


Component Description
a7 The main module of the alt-seven framework.
a7.components Contains components for various functionalities like models, users, and views.
a7.components.model The built-in model of the alt-seven framework used by default to implement model functionality in applications.
a7.components.User A generic object with no pre-set properties for holding arbitrary user-specific properties.
a7.components.View The base component for all views in alt-seven applications, allowing event bindings and dynamic rendering through template literals or functions.
Method Description
getMemento() Returns the arbitrary properties set by the application.
config() Configuration method (not described).
getState() Returns a structure representing the current state of the view.
setState( args ) Sets the args structure as the current state of the view.
addChild( view ) Adds another view as a child of the current view.
removeChild( view ) Removes a view from the stack of child views of the current view.
clearChildren() Removes all child views of the current view.
render() Renders the current view, returning an HTML string.
getParent() Returns the parent view of the current view.
shouldRender() Determines whether the current view should be rendered based on skipRender status.
onRendered() Automatically called by the framework after rendering child views.
checkRenderStatus() Checks if a document node exists and handles session timers or unregisters the view if not.
a7.console Handles logging messages to the console.
Method Description
addMessage ( message, date, source, level ) Sends a message to the console with specified details.
a7.error Captures runtime errors in the application.
Method Description
captureError (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) Handles capturing and logging of runtime errors. Manages event publishing and subscribing within the application.
Method Description
publish ( topic, info ) Calls an event with provided information.
subscribe( topic, listener ) Creates an event listener for specified topics.
a7.log Logs messages at different levels in the application.
Method Description
error( message ) Logs an error-level message.
fatal( message ) Logs a fatal-level message.
info( message ) Logs an info-level message.
trace( message ) Logs a trace-level message.
warn( message ) Logs a warn-level message.
a7.model Manages application data and instances, including views.
Method Description
init( options ) Initializes the model with specified options.
destroy( key ) Deletes an entry from the model using a key.
get( key ) Retrieves an entry from the model by key.
set( key, value ) Sets or updates an entry in the model using a key and value.
exists( key ) Checks if an entry exists in the model with a specific key.
a7.remote Handles remote HTTP calls and WebSocket connections.
Method Description
init( modules ) Initializes the remote module with specified modules.
fetch( uri, params, secure) Makes an HTTP request to a specified URI and returns a promise.
invoke( moduleAction, params) Invokes an action in a specified module with provided parameters.
getToken Retrieves the session token for the current user.
invalidateToken Invalidates the session token for the current user.
getSessionTimer Returns the timer object tracking the user’s session.
webSocket( wsServer, messageHandler, isJSON ) Establishes a WebSocket connection with the specified server and handler function.
auth Methods for handling authentication.
Method Description
login(params) Calls a server-side authentication endpoint.
logout(params) Calls a server-side logout endpoint.
refresh(params) Keeps the current user session alive by calling a specified server-side endpoint.
a7.router Manages routing and navigation within applications.
Method Description
init(options) Initializes the router with specified options.
open(path, params) Opens a specified path and publishes mapped events.
add(path, handler) Maps a new route to a handler function.
find(path) Retrieves a route map by path.
match(path) Checks if a path is mapped in the routes. Handles security-related functionalities such as session management and authentication status checks.
Method Description
init() Initializes the security module.
invalidateSession() Ends the current session by clearing the user object.
isAuthenticated() Checks if the current user is authenticated.
a7.ui Manages UI selectors, views, and event bindings.
Property Description
selectors Collection of document selectors set by the application.
views Collection of View objects managed by the application.
Method Description
init() Initializes the UI module.
getEvents() Retrieves all browser events handled by the UI module.
getSelector(name) Returns a specified selector by name.
setSelector(name, selector) Sets a new selector or updates an existing one by name.
getNode(selector) Retrieves a DOM node using a selector.
register(view) Registers a view in the application.
unregister(id) Unregisters a view from the application.
getView(id) Retrieves a view by its ID.
enqueueForRender(id) Adds a view to the render queue for rendering.
removeView(id) Removes a view from the application using its ID.
a7.util Provides utility functions for various tasks.
Method Description
split (val) Splits the input string by commas into an array.
extractLast(term) Retrieves the last term from a comma-separated list.
encode64(input) Encodes a string using Base64 encoding.
decode64(input) Decodes a Base64 encoded string.
leadingZero(n) Prepends a zero to a single-digit number.
dynamicSort( property ) Dynamically sorts an array of objects based on the specified property.
yesNo( val ) Converts a value to “Yes” or “No”.
isValidDate( d ) Checks if the input is a valid date object.
id() Generates a unique ID string.
tryCatch(fn,ctx,args) Attempts to execute a function and catches any errors.
getNumberValue(value) Retrieves a number value from an input or returns null if invalid.
isNumeric(num) Checks if the input is numeric.
getOffset(selector) Retrieves the offset of a DOM element specified by a selector.